Location: Kent, United Kingdom

Stephen Bartley writes about poker and gambling. His passions away from work and family are horse racing, tea, drink and politics. Having escaped London, a world that involved double locks and baseball bats hidden by the door, Stephen moved with his partner, step-daughter and young son to Whitstable, a seaside town in Kent, where he resides in a coastal fortress with astonishing fields of fire. That makes it good for nights in, watching American racing, drinking cocktails and getting early nights.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Nipple Tweaking

Is my flatmate on to me? Does he know?

When I moved in I ’forgot’ to tell my two new flatmates that I smoked. No need, I thought. I'm quitting anyhow. Instead, the habit goes on. But my Australian housemate, Jason, asked me tonight about my cough... he knows.

I told him how I got the cough. Basically, 13 hours sleep in five days the week before last. I left out the heavy smoking part of the story. I felt he didn't need to know. But last night I crept downstairs at 2am, opened the patio door and stood out in the cold to have a smoke. I tried to open the door with zero noise but I know trained ears hear this sort of thing. Tonight when I gave him the cough story again I sensed he didn't believe me.

But anyway, now paranoia is ruining my smoking pleasure. This may be the best way to quit. I'm running out of excuses to go outside.

At the moment I'm swapping advice with a friend of mine who's 8 and a half months pregnant. I tell her things to help speed up the birthing thing (you'd be amazed how much I know about pineapples and fiddling with nipples), whilst she gives me tips like "as soon as you can afford it, find a place of your own". Good advice. To the point. It's a nice house here. It would be better though if my housemates didn't live here as well.


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