It followed four days of coverage from the glorious Gutshot Series of Poker, a nightmare really, but worth the work, even though being busy whilst my girlfriend had three days leave pissed me off no end.
But it was good to see her Tuesday. I get the impression that if you're reading this you probably found it through my girlfriend's blog. She's must better at this than me. Her posts have a start, a middle and an end; tend to be funny and are a full demonstration of how great she is. Here, we use whatever's available and run with it.
Back to work today. The next stop is Barcelona. As usual it's more time away from home when I'd rather stick around. And I have to find a hotel. The special shiny PokerStars recommended hotels are full, so are the ones near those. It's harder than you think to find a good place to stay in a city you've never been to before. And besides, the press credentials haven't come through yet so it could be a mission to nothing.
See what I mean? No start, no middle, and no end here.