Location: Kent, United Kingdom

Stephen Bartley writes about poker and gambling. His passions away from work and family are horse racing, tea, drink and politics. Having escaped London, a world that involved double locks and baseball bats hidden by the door, Stephen moved with his partner, step-daughter and young son to Whitstable, a seaside town in Kent, where he resides in a coastal fortress with astonishing fields of fire. That makes it good for nights in, watching American racing, drinking cocktails and getting early nights.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Early Starts

I like getting up early. Odd really, as I do it so rarely. But today is one of those exceptional days where a 6.40am start doesn’t quite seem the disaster scenario it normally would be, and the only truly difficult moment in your morning is the choc-chip or blueberry decision when it comes to a muffin.

There’s a lot I could do today. Despite looking out the window first thing and seeing grey misery, I want to get started at it; get hold of a potentially miserable day and whack the fucker with a nine-iron. Show it that despite the slow march of work, there could still be moments of happy trotting.

So I’m up early. I suppose I should really have a go at the ‘quit smoking’ thing too, seeing as though I’m feeling chipper. But it never seems to work. My original plan was to find a calm period, stress free, and quit then. But the seasoned smoker can always find something to be stressed about, so why wait?

But enough of hullabaloo. Good work yesterday means easier work today. Barcelona is sorted. Press credentials happily agreed. I’m a ‘blogger’ apparently. Not sure how I feel about that? Perhaps I’m being snobbish? Just that ‘Blogger’ has a happy, cheery connotation. And that’s normally the last thing I feel in these places.


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