Location: Kent, United Kingdom

Stephen Bartley writes about poker and gambling. His passions away from work and family are horse racing, tea, drink and politics. Having escaped London, a world that involved double locks and baseball bats hidden by the door, Stephen moved with his partner, step-daughter and young son to Whitstable, a seaside town in Kent, where he resides in a coastal fortress with astonishing fields of fire. That makes it good for nights in, watching American racing, drinking cocktails and getting early nights.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Throw the rest away

I'm in. Only I have too much stuff. I also have a Bryan Adams CD. Where the hell did that come from? It's cramped, with boxes and bags all over the place. Tonight I intend to sleep 'astronaut style', propped up against the wall. But it's good. I've always liked good things.

I finally managed to unpack the bag I've been carrying around non-stop for the last 16 days. In it was a pile of crap, most of it beyond me. A book, two magazines, four note pads, a diary, my chequebook, drivers license, passport, an eggcup, half a dozen used tube tickets, an empty tube of toothpaste, a jumper, Andy Bloch's business card, a Gutshot poker chip worth 25p, my dictaphone, some aspirin, two pens, half a pack of tissues, my A-Z with no cover and Cricklewood missing, and a pack of pro plus - which I wish I knew I'd had yesterday. It's always the last place you look.

I could have dumped everything but the jumper and the eggcup.

So I have keys now, and trees outside my window, and an address, which will please the Student loans Company no end. No food of course, just an air tight coffee container with nothing in and a few cups I brought with me. Everything else I left behind.

But things start here, and it was sunny today.


Blogger Sweet Cheek said...

Ste... did a few of our things 'accidently' make it into your bag? I wondered where Bryan was...

2:37 PM  

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