Location: Kent, United Kingdom

Stephen Bartley writes about poker and gambling. His passions away from work and family are horse racing, tea, drink and politics. Having escaped London, a world that involved double locks and baseball bats hidden by the door, Stephen moved with his partner, step-daughter and young son to Whitstable, a seaside town in Kent, where he resides in a coastal fortress with astonishing fields of fire. That makes it good for nights in, watching American racing, drinking cocktails and getting early nights.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

M Over High C in Tooting Bec

Didn't ever plan on writing about music on this blog. It's supposed to be part poker and part my demise. But what the hell, it's Saturday, I have a light day until this evening, and I'm in the mood.

I found one of those tracks on my iPod last night, one that's been there for ages. Then you hear it on the off chance and find yourself thinking 'Wow, this is a great song'.

So yes, Cinnamon Girl by Neil Young did it. I found it last night, walking home at 1.30am. And in the middle of Tooting Common that late at night nobody can hear you sing. The "woo" that he does as the guitar sequence kicks in at the end makes you feel like you're part of something incredible that only a few people know about.

Thought of other songs that make you feel that your life has changed direction. I remember hearing Shelter from the Storm by Bob Dylan and thinking I really needed to get out of a relationship that was going wrong. It's a straight forward enough song but I listened to it again and again wondering if lyrics like that would ever mean anything to me.

Then there's Serge Gainsbourg. Ahh, Serge. Initials BB, a song about Bridget Bardot, with a drum sequence all the way through which sounds all arms and legs but gets there anyway, like freefalling without a parachute, but landing on your feet.

Perhaps you only notice this when things feel good in your life? And then you assign more meaning to random things. Still have a few minor worries. A few things that might get big and some that might not. But I'm enjoying my afternoon off. I'm allowed to think whimsically.


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