Take Out the Trash Day
I think there was an episode of the West Wing called "Take out the trash day", or something like that. Basically, all the bad news gets announced on the friday because no-one reads the paper on a saturday. Hell, who knows if that's true, but if typing all this nonsense got me a title for this post, then that's good enough for me.
A lot of planning for Foxwoods today. This is the next tournament I'm heading to - a vast multiple casino'd building in the mddle of the Connecticut-Nowhere. A town planner's nightmare, a developers dream. Lots of players hate the place, and I have a sneaky feeling that we'll only find out why when we get there.
But we're professionals. We'll be ready like no one else can.
I played tonight too, first time in a while and it showed early. The £10 re-buy, the big brother to the £5 turkey shoot on a tuesday at Gutshot. I'd decided to take no shit and play maniac -aggressive at the first sign of a high card.
Ace-King twice. Somehow I blinked and found myself all-in both times and watched as two people re-raised behind me. When that happens you know you're behind. Bugger. Best get out I thought. I was distracted, couldnt concentrate.
Anyway, were into the weekend now, where the mission is to keep out of the house, buy food and not smoke. But I have nice things planned. Things will be fine.
Not much of a post. There'll be better rubbish later on...